This girl has had a rough journey to get here! Rosie comes from a puppy mill in Romania and only arrived in Canada in the beginning of December 2020. Since her birthday is July 6, 2020, that means she spent from July to the end of November or beginning of December in a wire crate, probably covered in her own filth. She had the scars from the wire crate on her body to prove it. We don’t know, and will never know, how tiny Rosie ended up with a broken leg that went at least a month untreated. But thanks to some good Samaritans Rosie made her way into our care and we promised her that we would do our very best to find her the most perfect (for her) home! Rosie needed her leg amputated and she was also spayed before we sent her off on her journey!
Happy life sweet Rosie! We know you will have a blast with your new 11 month old pug sister and your new parents will take amazing care of you but your foster family already miss you!
A huge thank you to every single one of you who shared her posts, donated, participated in the auction and bought things that you probably didn’t need, those who donated when they applied to adopt her and were willing to open their house and heart to her! Thank you, thank you, thank you. We couldn’t do any of this without you! We certainly couldn’t do it without our amazing foster families!