June 28, 2023
We were contacted by a caring vet clinic who asked that we take this sweet 5 year old girl in urgently. Holly was thankfully surrendered instead of being euthanized. She’s had a rough couple of years. She will need her wee toe amputated, she’s been struggling with it for a long time, but other than that, she appears to be a healthy and lovely girl who deserves a chance!
That’s where you come in! We need to raise funds for her surgery and the tests necessary to figure out why her foot hasn’t responded to treatment. We don’t have an estimate yet but we expect it will be at least $1500-$2500
We said yes immediately, without even having a foster lined up! Thank goodness for our awesome volunteer, Kim, who didn’t hesitate to jump into action(again!)!
If you can help us with this peanut please donate directly on our website
Or by etransfer or paypal to ecfbrescue@gmail.com
August 14, 2023
This sweet girl just can’t catch a break. This is definitely not the update we wanted to give. Holly’s results came back from the toe amputation and biopsy and sadly she does have cancer. While hemangiosarcoma is very serious, the good news is if we amputate her leg it will not metastasize and is not likely to reoccur. Since she doesn’t use that leg, and hasn’t for quite a while, we suspect, we believe she will adjust just fine with 3 legs.
Nonetheless this is another surgery and another expense.
Unfortunately, we still cannot afford her ear surgery either, which is approximately $6000. For now meds seem to be keeping her ear comfortable but it’s hard to say for sure because she is so stoic and sweet natured.
It seems like she was used to produce puppies until she was going to cost money for medical care, then she was dumped to be euthanized. Her ear should have been dealt with a long time ago and maybe her leg could have been saved had they dealt with it when it first started. instead they refused treatment and bred her instead. To say that we are angry is an understatement!
Holly is such a sweet and good natured 5 year old girl! She gets along with everyone she meets, including other dogs. She’s had a rough couple of years but let’s show her that humans can also be kind and caring!
Please consider helping us save her life! You can donate directly on our website
Or by etransfer or paypal to ecfbrescue@gmail.com
September 28, 2023
Sweet Holly had her stitches out and a re-check today. After an extremely rough recovery after surgery, Holly did really well up until a few days ago. She has been struggling with what appears to be a possible case of phantom limb syndrome. Lots of twitching and trying to lift the limb that was amputated. The doctor hopes that this will subside with time. We had her ear cleaned again and more medication put in hoping to keep her comfortable for now. She is not quite her happy-go-lucky self, but of course, she is still a sweet pea.
This girl has been through so much! In the short time that we’ve had her she’s faced a toe amputation, cancer diagnosis, leg amputation, ear canal issue and an intestinal worm infestation that took forever to respond to medication.
Unfortunately, we still cannot afford her ear surgery, which is approximately $6000.
It seems like she was used to produce puppies until she was going to cost money for medical care, then she was dumped to be euthanized. Her ear should have been dealt with a long time ago and maybe her leg could have been saved had they dealt with it when it first started. instead they refused treatment and bred her instead. To say that we are angry is an understatement!
Holly is such a sweet and good natured 5 year old girl! She gets along with everyone she meets, including other dogs. She’s had a rough couple of years but let’s show her that humans can also be kind and caring!
Please help us help her! You can donate directly on our website
Or by etransfer or paypal to ecfbrescue@gmail.com
Holly is being fostered in Ottawa, ON
Feb 20, 2024 Update
She did great after her total ear canal ablation and will have a re-check and suture removal in 2 weeks!
Thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!
We still have some lapel pins and earrings left if you’d like to help fill our now empty medical fund jar! Just Holly’s surgery alone took more than we had collected. Hazel also had another big bill on Monday for her echocardiogram. So, as usual, any help is truly appreciated!
While supplies last, everyone who donates at least $10 will receive an adorable lapel pin! For each donation of more than $50 you will have the choice of receiving a pair of frenchie earrings instead of the lapel pin if you wish. (your choice of small hoops or stud earrings).
You can donate directly on our website:
Or by E transfer or PayPal to ecfbrescue@gmail.com
March 28 Update